Not even tropical heat could keep KEC from celebrating the end of another activity filled year. With loads of homemade red fans on hand to cool off, on June 21, 2024 KEC beneficiaries presented another unique and entertaining program to family members and guests. This time our crew was joined by a group that we have been close to for a long time. For the past few years the Belgrade Evergreen Singers have been using our space to practice and one of our newest beneficiaries, Aleksa, has even become a member of the choir. So, we decided to bring these two groups together for an evening of evergreen music and art. KEC beneficiaries created works of art based on themes in the choir’s repertoire, they introduced each song in their unique way and they even sang along with the choir. It was exciting to watch the KEC crew entertain the audience alongside the Evergreen Singers. The good vibes and friendly atmosphere was the perfect way to cope with a hot summer evening.