KEC and McDonald’s Serbia celebrate 20 years of successful cooperation.
„We are very happy and satisfied that we were the first company in Serbia that, together with our partners from KEC, recognized and initiated [this] extremely important project, the inclusion of young people with intellectual disabilities in society. This program, which was launched in 2004, made it possible for these wonderful young people to realize their human right to work and live an active life in the community. With the logistical support of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy, 20 years ago 12 people were employed in two McDonald’s restaurants. We improved the cooperation every year and today these young people come to seven of our restaurants,“ said Desanka Landauer, Marketing Director at McDonald’s Serbia.
„KEC believes in the idea that every human being is unique and valuable to the community in which he lives and that he contributes to it with his knowledge, work, skills or his very existence.“ That is why we designed this program and we are very grateful to the McDonald’s restaurant management, which in 2004 was the first in Belgrade to recognize the needs and importance of inclusion of our users through work engagement. From 12 users who started working in two restaurants, over 20 years, close to 100 people have gone through the program in seven restaurants,“ said Margareta Greta Kecman, president of the Board of Directors.
More important than the representatives of the ministries, government agencies and the media the Bezistan McDonald’s was full of the many many KEC beneficiaries who have worked at McDonald’s over the past two decades. Needless to say, their joy and gratitude for these opportunities was the best proof that these 20 years of cooperation have been a success.
Looking forward to the next 20 years of cooperation.